error code 3194 ios4

error code 3194 ios4
Fix iPhone Restore Error Code 3194, 1015.
Some iPhone users who have changed their system’s host file to point to Cydia’s SHSH caching server, are not able to restore or update their iPhone to iOS
Unknown Error 3194 iOS 5

Fix iPhone Restore Error Code 3194, 1015.
How to Fix iTunes Error 3194 when update.
iPad os 4.2.1 was hung on apple screen. Took several days but I figured out the following process and it worked out great for me. 1. Add the following entries into
Fix iPhone Restore Error Code 3194, 1015.
Dear pramod, i Jailbroke my IOS 4.2.1 on my iphone 3g few days ago using tethered redsnow. while i tried to restore it using itunes, the phone was unable to complete
Still doesnt work for me. Reason i am trying to back up and restore is to Unlock my phone after a 2y contract with AT&T. I have a MAC OS X 10.5.8
I have tried this and anything and everything on the net, from recboot , to Ireb , all these things including the above directions and no luck.
iOS4 Error Code 3014 My twitter - Josh's Twitter -
this is the method that apple used to help me fix this error code hope it works for all of you And I found that I got this problem after I tried to unjail
iOS Update Error 3194
Fix iPhone Restore Error Code 3194, 1015. iTunes Error code 3194 Fix - YouTube
Fix iTunes Error 3194 while Downgrading.
error code 3194 ios4
How to Fix iTunes Error 3194 iOS 4.2.1.
Are you stumped at figuring out how to solve Error 3194 that appears on your iTunes? Do you want to know how you can fix the problem and get back to using your iPhone