Virusscan 8.7i update grayed out

NWIC Blogs is a web publishing and blogging platform powered by WordPress for students and staff at Northwest Indian College.
Hi, I'd like to upgrade 8,500+ PCs from VirusScan 8.5i to VirusScan 8.7i and push it out via our ePO4 server. I was going to do it in this order: On ePO4 server
Our values of customer orientation, continuous improvement, teamwork, and achieving results are woven into every aspect of human resource management.
I'm using Windows 7 with IE8. Sometime in the last couple of days, IE has been converted into a crippled version. The most striking symptom is that "Internet Options
McAfee solutions deliver complete virus protection and Internet security. Download McAfee anti-virus and anti-spyware software to protect against the latest online
McAfee KnowledgeBase - Supported.
McAfee Communities: VirusScan 8.5i to.
Grayed out IE tools - Microsoft Community
Virusscan 8.7i update grayed out
Human Resource Services — New Mexico.Grayed out IE tools - Microsoft Community
Patch 1 for VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) 8.7i introduces RunTime DAT files as a performance enhancement. The RunTime DATs determine how DAT files are loaded into memory
McAfee Installation Designer 8.x McAfee VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) 8.x Microsoft Outlook Client
So In the past I was always a Symantec admin, I am new to the whole McAfee Virus Scan product, but not new to the ePO. I know that password options should be able to
McAfee KnowledgeBase - Supported.
VirusScan 8.7i patch 3 VirusScan Console.
McAfee—Antivirus, Encryption, Firewall,.